Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunny Seward

Lowell point beach
fishermans warf

It’s a sunny day in Seward with blue skies. This is rare, as most of the time it is cloudy or overcast. Unfortunately it is only 36 degrees with a nasty windchill, So I only spent three hours outside walking thus far today. I wandered down to the fishing warf and looked at all the boats and then I happened upon a nice little hike with water falls around two lakes. When the wind became too cold to bare, I walked back to my apartment. Only to start feeling guilty about missing the gorgeous day, so I went BACK outside with my book to try and read on the beach. This was a short lived endeavor as it was much colder sitting in one spot than moving around. 
Blue skies! (view from my bedroom window)

Yesterday I accidentally went on an absurdly long hike. I knew there was a state recreation area down the shoreline a little ways with some good hikes. It was slightly cloudy and windy but it was the first day it hadn’t been raining so I felt like I had to take advantage of it (are we seeing a trend here?). As most smart humans know, things on a map are much farther away than they seem, although I hadn’t taken this into consideration. When I finally got to the park it was miles down the road and I was already very tired. But since I was there I carried on. I went on some nice woods hikes then went down to a very pretty beach.  The way back was slightly torturous as I was walking against the freezing wind and I was exhausted. All in all it was an amazing hike, I hope to do more out there when I either get a ride or the wind isn’t trying to blow me into the ocean.  

slightly askew self \timer pic

Work has been good but fairly slow. Basically just caring for the otter (and she seems to need constant attention) and getting ready for the flood of seals that are supposed to come in. They said that they are surprised that we haven’t gotten one in yet. Maybe because it is a late spring. My night shifts are from 4pm- midnight.  I make sea otter formula (basically blended squid, clam, vitamins, milk, and some other ingredients) It looks kind like a milky brown substance and I always get a craving for a milkshake after I make it. When I walk home at midnight its not even fully dark, the sun has just finished setting and there is a blue glow around the mountains. 

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