Monday, May 13, 2013

Arctic Adventures

Alaska adventure. Day one. 

This has been a long day, it started out at 6am in chicago, getting up to go to the airport. After some untimely accidents and stand still traffic I made it to the terminal with minutes to spare. 
Upon arrival to Anchorage, I had a short cab ride with a very friendly driver to my hostel. Which is positioned on a backdrop of snowcapped mountains. 
I basically ran in to check in, threw my stuff in my room and emerged into the sunny city of Anchorage. After practically skipping a few blocks I realized I hadn't a clue where I was or where I planned on going. I sought direction from some nice looking natives and promptly turned the other direction when they started throwing booze bottles at each other and yelling. 
I was hesitant to approach anyone afterward, so I just hopped on a bus and hoped for the best. I got off at the transfer station and started wandering around downtown following a not-so-informative map. I finally got my bearings and perused through some gift shops and people watched a little. Next I took a four mile hike down the coast with stunning mountain views. (pictures to come.) 
Its amazing how much clocks and sunlight can influence you. I started getting really tired on my hike down the coast (it feeling like 10 at night already to me), but when I looked at my phone to check the time and saw that it was only six I perked right up and felt a surge of energy. 
After my hike I stopped at a bar called Darwin's Theory and sat down by myself to have a beer. Somehow moments later I was deep in conversation with some elderly native Alaskans, learning about their lives and the history of Alaska. Its amazing who you strike up conversation with when you are traveling alone. 
That's another thing, I never really thought I would be good at traveling alone until I just went ahead and did it. Sure, it was a little shakey figuring out the bus system and maps but honestly it makes me feel really accomplished to have gotten downtown, taken a good hike, had a nice beer while charming natives, and made back home to my hostel without much problem. Kind of makes me feel like I could do anything! Traveling by yourself, you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself and you can do whatever you feel like whenever. Grocery shopping today I realized that I could just make all the decisions and buy whatever food I wanted. So, naturally, I took like three times longer deciding what to eat for the next three days. 
And on that note, I am thoroughly exhausted and my tiny stiff dorm bed is calling my name. I still feel slightly guilty going to sleep because it looks like the middle of the day, it wont get dark tonight until after 11. 

Its been a great first day. 

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