Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Homer is where the heart is

One week into the internship and I already got to take a field trip! Lets back up, the Alaska sealife center hosted an informational volunteer meeting in Homer, Alaska on Monday. We have a large stranding network there because we get many of our stranded animals that wash up on the beach with the crazy tides.  Homer is about a three hour drive away and they were selecting one intern to travel along with them. It was me!!
The day started early and we set out for the journey. The drive was through mountains and winding rivers and woods. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! On the ride to and from we saw at least thirty moose, I lost count. Every time we passed one all conversation would halt and we would yell MOOSE! The crew: me, Current supervisor: Tim, soon –to-be-supervisor: Hally, and the Vet Tech: Jane. Halfway through the trip we stopped for milkshakes (compliments of the sealife center). But they weren’t just any milkshakes there was like 50 different flavors and after much deliberation I decided on tiramisu flavor. Yeah.. I know. 
Journey to Homer

The meeting was relatively short for the long drive, but we got dinner for us and everyone at the meeting. It was mostly and info meeting about what to do when you see a stranded animal and techniques for transporting them if appropriate. This was Tims last meeting so afterward we went to a celebratory bbq at one of the long time volunteers houses. Homer is just as gorgeous as Seward and this person’s house was sitting on the beach with an incredible mountain view. Most people I have met in Alaska thusfar were not born here. Everybody came here for a summer or a random job and just never left because they loved it so much. I met people from all over the country at this meeting. I also learned a lot about my supervisors. Tim was a NOLS instructor and hiked the entire Appalachian trail, Jane worked at 4 aquariums prior to this one and used to work with sea turtles. Its amazing how many different things you can do with your life. It makes me feel young, inexperienced and antsy to get out there and start doing things!

That night I didn’t return home until 1:30 am (5:30 am for all you Michigan folks), needless to say I was zonked. Luckily I had the next day off. For my day off I decided to get a nice beer. This was a much greater ordeal than I imagined. First I biked (on this loaner bike from the sealife center, which is not structurally sound) to the store to get a beer. I selected my variety and biked back the mile and half It is home (uphill). I was extremely winded and reallllly wanting the beer when I got home. I decided to drink it down by the beach and gathered my book and some cards to go down.  No bottle opener. I searched everywhere. Exhausted but determined I walked FOUR blocks to buy a souvenir bottle opener so I could drink my delicious IPA down at the beach. It was worth it.

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