Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 3 of internship

Today we prepared for the rush of baby mammals that will be flowing in near springtime. Doing some cleaning and organizing and also learning how to feed/hydrate baby bunnies, squirrels, woodchucks etc. Cannot wait until then.
I also gave medication to a crow and blue jay. both of which did not seem do enjoy it that much, and I learned how to bandage a broken wing.
I also released my first animal. It was a little Junco and he had been in the dungeon cages for a couple of months.  He had had a broken wing and he was all healed and ready to be released today. It was very exciting I opened his cage and he immediatly flew out without hesitation. But he did land on the nearest tree and turn back to look at me as if to say thanks. Totally awesome moment. I hope I get to have more of them.
Gogo is my favorite bird we have at the center. Hes about the size of a small dog and spends his whole day making a nest in the side of his cage. Unfortunately everyday it has to be taken down so his cage can be cleaned, but everyday he rebuilds it without complaining. At first introduction me and Gogo didn't get along too well, he attacked my shoes as I was cleaning his cage and then bit my legs. So I tried again later to get in there and give him some sticks to help make his nest. He immediately forgave me and promptly crawled up my body onto my head. At this point I was torn. On one hand I had a set of very sharp talons digging into my head, on the other hand, I had finally made friends with the very picky Gogo! luckily I didn't have to suffer long because he hopped down and proceeded to make his nest. I made my quick getaway. 
On my drive back from the nature center I saw three cars on the same stretch of highway pulled over with flat tires. I assume that this is an omen, especially because when I was driving fairly close behind the car in front of me, sparks flew out of the back end of their car and shot at me like a fireball. I felt like I was in a strange life sized version of mario kart.
In other news, I had to take Clyde, my little turtle to the vet. Aparently he has a respiratory infection and I will have to be giving him shots for the next ten days. Let me tell you its seriously hard to give someone a shot that can completely retract inside a shell, but I managed to do it after 5 minutes of struggle. hope he doesn't hate me now.
Well thats all for now! TaTa

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