Monday, July 29, 2013

Octopus envy

Its my weekend again! This week was very busy, I worked am shifts so I had to be at the sealife center at 7am. I also started working at the gift shop so as soon as my rehab shift is over I have usually around 15 minutes to shower, change my clothes, then head on over to the gift shop to work. Work at the gift shop is unbearably boring. A 4.5 hour shift there drags on forever, while my 10 hour shifts in rehab fly by. I've never had a job that I don't care about at all. I've always had jobs that have to do with things I like, namely animals. So I've always at least somewhat enjoyed them and cared about doing well. Gift shop is just counting down the hours until I get home. Sell some things, fold shirts, dust shelves, it drives me crazy being there. I can't believe some people work in retail their entire life. That is something I would never be able to handle. But it does actually pay me money which is nice.
We got a fur seal into the rehab center! I got a call from the Fish and Game department that said someone had dropped a baby in a cardboard box at their front door! So we arranged a pick up for it and now we have a tiny baby fur seal which are so cute!
this is what they look like!
He is sooo adorable! and when he calls out he sounds exactly like a goat, and sometimes he just sounds like a demon lol. its very hilarious and adorable. So he will be with us for many months and it is possible that he can be released as long as he doesn't imprint on us too much! 
I got to do my very own necropsy on a sea gull yesterday also! which was really awesome. I love dissecting. Didn't really find anything interesting but ive never seen the inside of a bird before yesterday! 
Earlier this week I decided to try going up the runners trail of Mt. Marathon to see how far I could get up. Its SO MUCH fun. you actually have to climb up over the rocks and roots which is the best part. I wasn't going to go up to the top but I kept seeing cool things and wanting to go just a little bit farther. by the time I reached the skree slope near the top, it seemed a shame to turn back now. So crawled my way to the top. I was so exhausted crawling my way up the slate rock, but when I got to the top I had renewed energy and I romped around on top of the mountain for alittle bit, enjoying the view and exploring. I went down the jeep trail (the switchback, less steep one) just for a change of pace. It was a gorgeous clear day and I spent about 2.5 hours on the mountain. 
Today I went on an octopus encounter! which is a tour they have at the sealife center where I basically get to play with and feed an octopus shrimp. So fun and their little suckers feel so funny on my hands. Octopuses are awesome. Each of their suckers can hold up to 20lbs. crazy. 
This is lula, tending to her eggs

This is thumb! hes great!

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